content contributors

The Social Life Content Contributor Program is an exclusive network comprised of collegiate creatives and influencers that collaborate and develop their personal brands alongside TSL! This position is the perfect opportunity for creatives of all mediums to come together and showcase their many talents - photography, modeling, videography, and content curation! We believe in the next generation of artists and are passionate about providing a platform for them to thrive, grow, and share what they create.

Xx, The Social Life

Click the dropdowns below for detailed expectations of the program

  • Build a network with local Greeks on your campus
  • Collaborate with your network to create content on a monthly basis
  • Feature your chapter and campus events via the content you create 
  • Receive a monthly package of TSL apparel to style and feature in your content!
  • Send your content back to us after receiving your package!
  • You are in control of what you create and can be behind the camera - in front or a mix! 
  • You get to KEEP all of the looks we send to you each month!
  • Receive $$$ once your content is completed and sent to us
  • Build out your portfolio and resume for your next step post-grad
  • Be featured on our social platforms and gain exposure to your profiles 

If you’re excited about styling TSL looks, creating next level content, work well with deadlines, and want to enhance your college work experience, please apply below