How to Plan A Parents' Weekend

Parents’ Weekend is one of the biggest events of the semester. It’s super important to show your parents’ appreciation for everything they do, and how much your sorority means to you! We sat down with Meredith from Tri Delta NAU to chat about how she planned her Parents’ Weekend events. 

Did you have one Parents’ Weekend or two separate events for Moms and Dads? 
Two separate events. Dad's weekend in the Fall and Mom's weekend in the Spring.

How far in advance did you start planning the event?

For Mom's weekend I was given the position with a short window to plan but for Dad's weekend I started planning over the summer

What types of activities did you do for Mom's Weekend? 

We had goodie bags, did Zumba, went bowling with pizookies and had brunch catered by Over Easy.

What types of activities did you do for Dad's Weekend? 

For Dad's Weekend we went for a hike, tailgated, and had brunch catered by Over Easy.

Why did you decide to use The Social Life for your shirts?
We love ordering through The Social Life and have had great experiences every time we order. They are extremely helpful and quick and do an amazing job to make us shirts everyone loves! 

How did having custom shirts advance the experience? 
It gave us an opportunity to give our parents something they will have to remember such a special weekend with such amazing/adorable shirts.

What does your sorority mean to you and how did you portray that to your parents through this event? 
To me Tri Delta means family. It is a place where I can be myself and I have found some of my best friends through it. Being able to put on these special weekends for parents and have so many members and their parents attend and support is an amazing feeling. 

-- Sarah Whitman, TSL Community Manager

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